My Idea for Peter's 55th Birthday

As Peter is heading into a new journey this year (2021). I have an idea, if you were part (mentioned, etc.) of this journey: I would like you to record a video saying "Happy 55th Birthday Peter Rukavina, I am thankful for..." and share it only to me ( to compile into a compilation video for his Birthday.



I am Feeling Not Good Today because My mother died last year (2020) today at 9 p.m. and I need a lot of support today.



(please don't be angry and do any angry actions at Karen Charette, Frances Rukavina, and Mike Rukavina and Peter Rukavina as this is just the beginning of a Happier Peaceful Journey that I don't want any of you to be angry with - Relationship-Wise and Going to a different Place): 2021 will be the year of New - Relationships and Homes.

